Monday 8 November 2010


This week has meant some seriously good family time, and some even more serious belly laughs thanks to the wonders of photo booth. Here are some of my lovely family: 

Mathew & Michael


Frankenstein's monster?

Kim & David (plus a flat-top)
'Children fight back against the childcatcher?'

I haven't seen some of them in months so it was so good for me. 

I have also been brought into the world of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. He is a singer and guitar player from an island somewhere near Australia. He sings these beautiful songs about his homeland, this is such a strange concept to me. The closest I've come to caring much about my heritage is the time I smacked a rhubarb and custard pasty to the ground. (Pasties are savoury, always.)
But the songs are beautiful and you don't have to understand his language to fall in love with them.

Also I've found myself thinking about the future and the big stuff. 
What the heck will I do after this year?
Am I going to travel?
I want to see the world. 
Where will I live?
Before this year I didn't even consider the idea of living outside of Cornwall, (I'm still one of the simple countryfolk really). I love little villages. I love the crazy people that live there. I was only back in my little village for two days and I saw a woman wearing two different shoes on her feet. But now I can't help thinking that I've lived in the same little cul-de-sac of the country my whole life. And if I'm not careful I won't ever leave. 
Will I have my own family?
I love children, I love the whole point of having a family. But the idea of doing it alone is also exciting, and less scary or sad than I used to see it being. 

The only way I can sleep at night, with all of this in my head, is knowing that I don't have to trudge my way through it on my own. I am never alone. Even when I've been a bad egg. "Jesus commands my destiny'. I am never alone. Sometimes this year I have felt so excited, at the edge of new beginnings and exciting adventures. Sometimes I've felt rubbish, sometimes stressed, sometimes miserable, sometimes out of control. A lot of the time I've gone off in the wrong direction and completely messed it up. But like it or not Jesus has been there, constantly interceding for me. He has been there through it all, and I'm coming to realise that its an amazing, heartbreaking, thing to know that by the power of grace I am adopted. I have an eternal, faithful covenant because of His undying love, and not because of anything I've done.  

"Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from
your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed
in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the
uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me."
