Thursday, 29 December 2011

Sister Act Soundtrack

This Christmas my sister gave me Sister Act 1 & 2 on DVD.  I can't explain how happy this made me.  I don't care how many people have snubbed it for being tacky, it's still possibly my favourite film  (Blood Diamond being in the running too).

I also got to witness yet another fire related holiday disaster at my mums house, when my mum and sister set off a sky lantern that was swept across the back garden and became a massive fireball. I will admit to panicking a bit when it almost set the trampoline on fire.  Thankfully, just like after the firework that went off inside the house last New Year, we all survived.

Pelumi (Pumba to most of the people at church who know him),  is visiting this weekend which will be lovely. He also recently got a job as an accountant/book keeper. Thank you God! Months of prayer and years of dreaming for him have been answered and I really am thankful for his job, and excited about the experience he will have.

India is also home for a little bit and so there have been a few happy Christmas reunions going on. So nice to have her back!

In the spirit of New Years Resolutions, I've been collecting a few 'I've never...'s as I seem to have quite a few. I managed to tick off  'I've never been bowling' recently, which was quite pleasing.  So here are a few:

  • I've never had an Indian Takeaway
  • I've never seen Die Hard
  • I've never broken a bone (Actually quite happy about this one so its not a resolution!)
  • Never been on a plane
  • Never dyed my hair
  • Never ridden a horse
  • Never done a backwards roll
  • Never been to a music festival
  • Never been to London

And probably plenty more. Maybe some will be ticked off this coming year. 

Happy New Year!

Sunday, 4 September 2011


Today, after a year of wishing there was one in the house, I bought my own potato masher. I know its not anything to get excited about but I don't have a job and I live by myself so there you go.

Here is the fountain of potato delight that I made for tea with my new stainless steel masher:

A delicious cottage pie!

Here I am enjoying the second bite: 

Actually there have been some interesting things happening lately. Like the end of Impact (which is why I actually have the time to write this). Sad as it is to leave behind such a great year with far too many amazing consequences to talk about ( maybe I'll collect all my notes and ideas and write about that next time), it feels good and right to start something new. I can already feel the order coming back to my brain, I'm actually getting things done and now am just hoping and praying and searching for any job. 

I've also been able to steal a bit of time with a lovely young man who I wish I could see everyday.

This is him teaching some of our region's youth to dance, which he does very well. He's really different to me and I like that a lot :)
Please pray for him to get a job in finance very very soon!

The very sad news is that India Bunce, my best friend of 8 years is moving to Edinburgh in 5 days to go to uni and paint beautifully. We are having a farewell meal for her tomorrow night, and she will be missed very very much, definitely by me,

...and probably also by Pumpkin, as India is the only one who likes her. 
This is Pumpkin:

If you want a good song to listen to, try 'Your Direction' by Chief. I love it, although I still cant decide whether it makes me sad or happy. 

Enjoy your week!!!!

Saturday, 5 March 2011


Time for a bit of a confession.

Without realising it, for ages I've been ignoring a whole side of my character that I shouldn't have been. I hate words like 'womanhood' and 'feminity'.  The phrase 'becoming a woman' makes me feel a bit ill. Its not that I've ever wanted to be a boy, or that I hate being a girl. I just always used to question why it has to make a difference if I'm a girl or boy, why can't I just like what I like and think what I think and say what I want to say, and just be a person and not a girl.

 I hate the stereotype that girls can be a bit shallow and obsessed with their appearance and over-emotional, and that they spend all of their time shopping or cooing over babies or crying at rom-coms. (The last one is actually true for me, but I cry at every film, I think theres something wrong with me). I've hated that stereotype so much that I've tried hard to avoid it. I've always had a really stubborn attitude towards women's books and women's meetings, and had a bit of a condescending attitude to anything thats normally seen as 'girly', which frankly is just a bit rude and ignorant.

But I'm learning this year that God doesn't want me to forget that He made us in His image, male and female. I can't separate femininity from my personality, and whatever opinions and attitudes and decisions I have should be influenced by the fact that God made me a girl. I'm built a different way. I am going to have certain differences to men, and I can't expect to go through life acting like I'm not a girl. 

There are certain character traits that He wants me to cultivate, and not neglect just because I'm afraid that I will get stereotyped as over-emotional or boring or soppy. There are also some things I need to repent of and turn away from, mainly for forgetting that God knew what He was doing when He made me, fearfully and wonderfully. He is the potter, not me. 

Whatever kind of person I'm going to grow into over the rest of this year and the rest of my life, I'm still going to be female, so it might be a good idea to read up on what the bible says that should look like. So thats what I've been spending a big part of my time doing since September. And I'm really enjoying going through the qualities of the Proverbs 31 lady in my personal discipleship, and seeing God give me more of a heart for things like home-making and hospitality, gentleness and tenderheartedness.

I really think this is about being more biblical and more Christ-like than trying to be more ladylike, just for the sake of it. Its  been a relief to find that letting God transform me into a biblical woman doesn't mean I have to start dressing like something out of Legally Blonde, spending hours every morning co-ordinating hair, clothes and make-up, or crying every time I see a puppy. 

I'm learning that it means being a woman who "dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong," who "opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy." Along with those little gems, Proverbs 31 also says that:

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

Not a pampered princess, or a butch lady-man with a heart of stone. A wonderful blend of strength and gentleness. That is definitely, without a doubt the kind of lady I want to be. So onwards and upwards eh?

If you'll be in a church somewhere tomorrow like me, enjoy delighting yourself in Him and spending time with your church family. If not, go to one- if you're in Newquay, come to Blaze! Hotel Vic, 11am.


Sunday, 6 February 2011

Ron Sexsmith.

A very exciting few weeks.

1. Impact training at Centerparcs- mentioned in the last blog. Which included a lot of laughing, girly chats until 2am, knitting, a frozen lake, and some squirrels. But even better: encountering the presence of God in a new way, being 'set free' from 'everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.' (Hebrews 12:1) spending a week worshipping him and being filled with his Holy Spirit, and experiencing for myself what the smile of the Father is. Incredible, incredible, incredible!

2. Moving home. I'll admit that the first few days were very wobbly in a I-don't-like-living-alone sort of way. But after pushing through I've found out that I love having my own space, I love making it into a home (and searching out things like butter dishes and sugar pots), and I absolutely love being in the centre of Newquay. Here are some dodgy pictures, I had to try and balance my mac on my knee and get into some awkward positions and they still aren't great!

I had no idea how much fun it would be.

3. Peterborough Prayer & Fasting.
Not to sound like a heathen but I find fasting hard. My stomach was crying after a few hours, 
so I ended up not doing the whole thing. But the prayer is incredible, and you have these brilliant people who are really experienced with leading the meetings and giving prophetic words and leading 
worship, and its just amazing to see whats going on across the country with church plants and so on. Indge had an interview at Norwich Uni so she came along which made it so much fun, and she got to meet some of the people I've met on Impact, which was cool.

4. Indge's birthday party. 
Debbie and Ruby cooked this amazing meal, mozzarella and sun dried tomatoes and ham and chorizo 
for starters, cannelloni for main and a big chocolate cake for afters. Topped off with watching Napoleon Dynamite. I hadn't seen it in years and was at the point of choking and crying from laughing so much. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. 

Today was a lovely day of church and food shopping and egg custard tarts.And then Tuesday 
brings another week of Impact training, how good is being alive!

How marvellous! How wonderful!

Blaze Songbook

So the Blaze week of prayer has just ended, literally just half an hour ago.  Great timing as well seeing as we just came back from a week of Jesus setting people free- undoubtedly the best week of the last 6 months if not the last year.

Its really made me realise how much I love Newquay, Blaze, and 
everything God has done in Cornwall. 
We're also beginning an Alpha Course, 8th Feb, 
which has made me think back to how I became a Christian 3 years ago and how much God has changed me- a really good fuel for praying for people to come to Alpha and hear the gospel.